Who's Investing in Music?
Many major labels report that only 10% to 20% of their investments in new artists are profitable. That means that 80% to 90% of the time, major record labels loose money.
To make matters worse, the recorded music industry overall is experiencing a significant decline, shrinking from $35 billion in revenues…
Managing Innovation in the Music Industry
Ever since the advent of P2P sharing with Napster, the music industry really hasn't been managing innovation. If anything, they've been acting like a deer caught in headlights and stalling innovation.
Indeed, the CEO's of the large record labels and royalty societies have been without an exception old…
The Rise of the Musicpreneur
With the rapid decline of the music industry as a whole, it is becoming increasingly difficult for both signed and unsigned artists to make a living from their music in the long-term.
Only the top 0.1% of artists can make a substantial living. But few people are in the…
Interview With The Guy Who Killed The Music Industry
Did Napster co-founder Sean Parker kill the music industry by facilitating the illegal downloading of music via P2P? Here he is more than a decade and a few hundred million dollars in his pocket later talking about his latest start-up forays. Should we love him or…
Is Taylor Swift The Smartest Person In Music?
Maybe an exaggeration, but Taylor Swift certainly got attention when she pulled her catalogue from various streaming music services in protest of the low royalties being paid.
The last 30 years reshaped the music business in a way we never could have imagined. Music as a product changed dramatically (e.g. from LPs to MP3s) and the ups and downs in worldwide sales would make the most hardened theme park visitor queasy. Nonetheless, we have yet to experience the biggest switchback on this…
UK Music Industry generated £3.8 billion
The Guardian newspaper reported that the British music industry contributed £3.8bn to the UK economy in 2013, according to an annual trade report. With the sector seeing a 9% growth over the year before, lobbyists called for a stronger national copyright framework to increase royalties even further. The full Guardian…
By David Goldstein
Watch the music industry's revenue sources evolve over the years. Our friends over at Business Insider posted this interesting article and chart that shows how things have changed. The CD has slowly but surely been dying with the advent of the Internet. P2P services like Napster and Bittorrent have accelerated its demise, but…
Amazon launches Spotify Competitor
eCommerce giant Amazon launched a music streaming service that will compete head-on with Spotify, Pandora, Beats Music and Apple. With its Kindle tablets, Amazon has shown its ability to sell premium content in other categories such as books, film and TV successfully to its customers. As music streaming is becoming more…
Will Spotify save or kill the music industry?
Love it or hate it, music streaming is here to stay. Spotify has pioneered another legal alternative to piracy - advertising-funded and paid subscription-based music streaming. Alas, the royalty rates for music streaming are much lower than for downloads and CD's, so it's not exactly an apple-for-apple…