Superstar Universal Music Publishing A&R Pelle Lidell
Universal Music Publishing A&R Pelle Lidell is a legend in his own right. Having worked with superstar record producers like Bloodshy & Avant, Paul Rein, Anders Bagge and many others, the Swede has one of the very best track record in terms of songplugging and setting-up co-writes for his songwriters and record producers in the industry. The man also got ears.If you pursue a publishing deal with Universal Music Publishing, you might wish to ask for Pelle Lidell to work your catalogue. If he likes your music, he is definitely one of the globally connected A&R’s that can get your songs to just about any major artist on the planet. Separately, Pelle Lidell also has an amazing network of other songwriters and record producers – whether they are signed to Universal Music Publishing or not – that he can hook you up with. However, getting onto Pelle Lidell’s radar is easier said than done, of course. You’d better have the goods to impress a man who has worked with some of the absolute best songwriters and record producers in the business. Not least, Universal Music Publishing is also the largest music publishing company in the world. As such, they get thousands of inquiries from unpublished songwriters each year. The chances of getting picked-up by Universal Music Publishing are low, unless you already have a great track record of placing songs.Hear Pelle Lidell’s views on demos, pitching, music, and everything else in this revealing interview.
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