will.i.am how to make money in the music business
Black Eyed Peas frontman, record producer and a solo artist in his own right, will.iam shares his views on how tough it is to make money in the music business.

How good do your song demos have to be before you can pitch them to A&R’s?
By David Goldstein.
If your song demos sound like demos, don’t pitch them to A&R’s. Seriously, if you’re not investing serious time and money into producing world-class, master-quality recordings of your songs, quit the music business. You won’t make…

Are you really a record producer?
Hear songwriter and record producer Rico Love (Beyonce, Usher, Nelly) give us an earful on what it means to be a real record producer. Just producing an instrumental backing track is not enough. You have to guide the whole process from start to the very finish, and provide creative…