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Jennifer Lopez and Maluma bringing Latin music into the big screen

"Marry Me" is making the most of the recognition in America of Latin music to fall in love with Hollywood. Lopez explained how they landed on Maluma to make his big-screen debut in "Marry Me". The duo also talked about the challenges Latin artists have faced in crossing over, why it was important for Lopez…

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Jamie Foxx and Anuel AA talks the Evolution of Latin Music

Anuel and Jamie Foxx are here for a joint Q&A at the Billboard Latin Music Week. The Puerto Rican rap star and 11-time finalist at the Billboard Latin Music Awards will partake in a one-on-one conversation with Academy Award-winning actor Jamie Foxx to talk about their upcoming joint music and film projects.  

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Justine Bieber shows the real-life struggle of childhood stardom on “Lonely”

A 14-year old Jacob Trembley plays Bieber in the music video "Lonely". The video starts with Jacob in a dressing room staring at his reflection before making his way to the stage. On Twitter, Bieber called Jacob “so talented” and said it was an emotional experience “to see him play me from the outside looking…

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