How good do your song demos have to be before you can pitch them to A&R’s?
If your song demos sound like demos, don’t pitch them to A&R’s. Seriously, if you’re not investing serious time and money into producing world-class, master-quality recordings of your songs, quit the music business. You won’t make it in this business sounding like an amateur.Harsh?If you don’t believe me, just listen to the song “demo” of the Britney Spears global hit song “TOXIC” produced by Bloodshy and Avant and performed by Cathy Dennis. As you can hear, the Grammy-award winning songwriting and production team essentially pitched a finished record to A&R’s out there. Tight vocal production, and of course a killer instrumental with this memorable hook that made the song a global hit. And that’s your competition, people! Nothing comes out the Murlyn studios that sounds like an amateur song demo.
Interestingly enough, Kylie Minoque and her A&R Jamie Nelson reportedly passed on the song before it made its way to Britney Spears.
Anyway, my point is that if you want to be competitive in this business, you have to sound like the competition. Amateurs go home!
Disagree? Let me hear your views and comment below. I’ll be sure to respond.